6 Ways We Save You Money

If you are a drywall contractor or have ever attempted to install drywall yourself, you know it is not an easy task. Major home renovation or construction jobs are definitely cases where you want to call a local drywall contractor like us here at Tall Pines Drywall. But do not ignore seemingly minor damaged drywall in your home: the smallest issues can lead to the biggest problems.

Just think:

  • Water damage could lead to a mold problem

  • Drywall cracks can put the foundation of your home at risk

  • A termite infestation can get out of control

As you can see damaged drywall is a case where you want to be proactive, not reactive. You can save a lot of money in the long run by solving the problem before it becomes a costly issue.

Damaged drywall

Severely damaged drywall

1. Professional drywall contractors have done all sorts of jobs both large and small. There is no video on YouTube that can make up for the years and years of hands on experience a quality drywall crew has. Don’t set yourself up for failure, sit back and relax while the professionals get the job done right the first time.

2. Do you really want to spend your weekend fixing the drywall and doing all that labour? Save all that time and hire someone else to do it instead! You won’t have to gather your friends and all the equipment then learn and teach everyone how to use it. There isn’t really a way for you to tell how long a repair would take, but professionals can get some jobs done in just hours - there is your weekend back!

3. Speaking of equipment, don’t forget the money it is going to take to gather all the supplies and tools you need. Any professional drywall contractor will have these. Do you know what the thickness of the drywall should be? This is based on the type of room you’re working in. There are a lot of variables to consider.

Common drywall tools

A few common tools you will need to repair drywall.

4. Professional drywall contractors have experience that provides priceless value. The hundreds of hours of experience repairing drywall gives us an ability to identify potential problems and give you the necessary advice and help to ensure the problem doesn’t get worse.

This is also true when it comes to safety. A lot can go wrong if you aren’t 100% sure of what you are doing when it comes to home renovations. Professional contractors know how to work safely and keep your home environment free from risk as well.

Why risk getting injured on a task that a professional knows inside and out?

5. Aesthetics. It will look better. Having a professional install the drywall ensures a seamless and polished look. It can be very difficult to produce a high end finish on your own. Our goal at Tall Pines Drywall is to make your repair job look long term terrific. We ensure problems don’t reoccur.

Seamless drywall taping

6. Maybe your favorite reason to hire a professional contractor: the cleanup. Save time and money by preventing having to clean up a huge mess after your work is done. Professional contractors do all this for you and ensure your home or office looks exactly like it did before - with upgraded walls.

These are just a few of the benefits and ways you can save money by hiring a professional drywall contractor. For more information on the services Tall Pines Drywall provides, check out our services page or contact us!

Jordan Wiebe